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Appalachian Community Services
91 Timberlane Road, Waynesville NC, 28786
Providing Substance abuse treatment, Detoxification, Appalachian Community Services is a Mix of Mental Health and Substance Abuse in Waynesville, NC. Payment is accepted in the form of Medicaid, Cash or self-payment. Payment Assistance may be available.
Teen Treatment Ctr of the
4445 Pine Forest Drive, Lake Worth FL, 33463
Teen Treatment Ctr of the is a Treatment Center located in Lake Worth, FL which maintains Substance Abuse Treatment Services as their primary focus. Services include: Substance abuse treatment, Detoxification. Specialized programs and groups are coordinated, devised at treating Persons with co-occ
Florida House Experience
504 South Federal Highway, Deerfield Beach FL, 33441
Deerfield Beach, FL's Florida House Experience is a Outpatient, Short-term residential, Long-term residential treatment center with a principle focus on a Substance Abuse Treatment Services. They service patients who need Substance abuse treatment, Detoxification, Buprenorphine used in treatment.
North and South Florida Rehab
549 Palmelto Avenue, Green Cove Springs FL, 32043
North and South Florida Rehab (Green Cove Springs) located at 549 Palmelto Avenue, Green Cove Springs, FL 32043, United States is an alcohol treatment center providing substance abuse treatment and detoxification with outpatient care. Dual diagnosis or persons with co-occuring disorders, persons wit
Scottsdale Treatment Institute
3200 N Hayden Rd, Scottsdale AZ, 85251
When you open the door to Scottsdale Treatment, you’ll find a non-judgmental atmosphere and a welcoming attitude that will immediately put you at ease. In fact, Scottsdale Treatment was founded in 1996 with a single priority: To provide one resource, one place, that can help you take your life bac
Addiction Recovery Resources of
4836 Wabash Street, Metairie LA, 70001
Addiction Recovery Resources of (New Orleans (ARRNO)) located at 4836 Wabash Street, Metairie, LA 70001, United States is an alcohol rehab program providing substance abuse treatment, detoxification, and buprenorphine used in drug treatment with outpatient care, partial hospitalization or day treatm
VA Central California Healthcare Sys
2615 East Clinton Avenue, Fresno CA, 93703
VA Central California Healthcare Sys (Chemical Dependence Treatment Program) located at 2615 East Clinton Avenue, Fresno, CA 93703, United States is a drug rehab facility providing substance abuse treatment, detoxification, a halfway house or sober living home, and buprenorphine used in drug treatme
Healing Arts Research Training Center
1384 Madison Avenue, Memphis TN, 38104
Healing Arts Research Training Center of Memphis, TN specializes in Mix of Mental Health and Substance Abuse with Outpatient treatment. They provide Substance abuse treatment, Detoxification, and they have Services for the deaf and hard of hearing available. Specialized programs and groups are con
Womens Treatment Center
140 North Ashland Avenue, Chicago IL, 60607
Womens Treatment Center (Chicago) located at 140 North Ashland Avenue, Chicago, IL 60607, United States is a drug treatment center providing substance abuse treatment, detoxification, methadone maintenance, methadone detox, and a halfway house or sober living home with outpatient care, residential s
Robert J Dole Medical Center and
5500 East Kellogg Street, Wichita KS, 67218
Robert J Dole Medical Center and (Regional Office) located at 5500 East Kellogg Street, Wichita, KS 67218, United States is an alcohol rehab program providing substance abuse treatment and detoxification with outpatient care, residential short-term treatment, and hospitalization or inpatient care. D