How to do an Intervention – Felicia’s True Story

The longer a family and substance abuser try to solve the problem on their own, the more complicated the situation becomes. Allowing addiction intervention professionals to help you reset expectations and take a different approach can help both the substance abuser and the family achieve healthy change.

Getting anyone into recovery is such a delicate process. Knowing how and when stage an intervention for a loved one is a key process in getting the necessary help required. Below is Felicia’s story of how her intervention set her on the path recovery

If you have a loved one that is struggling with their addiction click here or contact Care Recovery Services a Intervention Company directly by calling (877) 245-2384.

Felicia’s True Story

The first time Felicia drank she was 12 and on a camping trip with her friend when her friend shared alcohol with her. Felicia had seen her family members drink before and didn’t think it was that big of a deal. As she got older she started drinking more and more.

“Once I got into high school there were days I would go to school and I wouldn’t know where I parked my car when I got out,” Felicia said. She didn’t realize it then, but looking back she can see that it started getting bad when she began stealing and abusing her uncle’s painkillers and then going out to use Cocaine. “I was dabbling with Cocaine – I didn’t have a problem though; I was just doing what everyone else was doing.”

Her vehicle was eventually impounded when she let her dealer, who had several warrants drive it. She needed her parent’s help to get it out of the impound lot so she had to come clean to them about what she’s been doing. “I went to my parents and said, ‘hey I need help getting my car out so I’m going to tell you all of this stuff. It was completely manipulating the situation. That’s when I knew, I didn’t think I wanted to stop but even if I did want to stop, I knew I couldn’t”

Felicia ended up going into an Intensive Outpatient Program, which at first she thought was a great idea for her. She quickly realized that was not the case because when she would go home, she would find herself surrounded by the same people she had been when she was using. The temptation to use became too strong and she began to use again.

Wherever You Go, There You Are

Felicia and some friends thought it would be a good idea to steal $10,000 from a friend and go to Porto Rico to start new lives. When they got to the hotel, the manager wouldn’t let them check in. “We just got obnoxious and we were arrested.” After they were released Felicia went back to her parents’ house. The next day her parents woke her up and said her grandparents were there and wanted to talk to her.

The Intervention

“I walk downstairs and my entire family is all there with letters written to me explaining their concern and what they’ve seen over the past few years.” Felicia’s family was understanding of the fact that it wasn’t her that was doing all of these things, they knew it was because of her drug addiction. They told her that she needed to get help and her plan left in three hours.

She agreed to go, even though at first she didn’t take it that seriously. She was continually looking at the other people and comparing her disease to theirs. “Once I kind of leveled out, I started realizing that I can’t leave this place, I’m here for the long haul.” After this realization, she began to take treatment more seriously, she figured if she has to be there she might as well get something out of it.

Leaving Treatment

“I was excited to get out of treatment, but also very scared. You’re no longer in a bubble, you’re no longer doing everything planned out day by day. You can make your own choices.” Felicia continued to go to meetings and got a sponsor to help her work her steps. She now has a strong home group and a service commitment. “I’m using the tools I learned in the treatment program.”

Like most people, she still struggles with the stress of paying bills, working and trying to go back to school. Those are all things that she never thought she would be able to do without using, yet she is and she’s clean while doing them.

“It’s reconditioning my brain to function a completely different way, I’m really big into meditation.” While she doesn’t see her family often she talks to them every day and they have built back a lot of the trust that was lost during her addiction. “If you want it to work, you have to do what other people are doing. You follow them like a lost puppy because that’s what you are at this point.”

How Do I Know It’s Time

I’ve helped hundreds of families over the years as a professional interventionist, and I’ve seen a lot of scenarios. It’s difficult to know when there’s the need for an intervention. Many believe that they can simply talk to the addict in question and lay their emotions out on the table, and then everything will change in their loved one’s mind.

It doesn’t always work like that. In fact, it rarely works like that. Depending on how severe an addiction is, the “point of no return,” when they consciously decide that they have a problem, may have been two exits back. This is when you need an intervention, when there’s nothing that can be done except delivering ultimatums and having a thorough discussion. Detox and rehab still need to be the choice of the addict, whether or not that was due to emotional reasons shared with them by their family and friends during an intervention. They need to walk through those doors with the desire to get, and stay, clean.

Here’s a list of some of the most common signs that should raise some red flags in your mind.

  • Dodgy Behavior Patterns
  • Increased Tolerance
  • Mental Fog
  • Changes In Appearance
  • Enhanced Emotions
  • Barely Getting By
  • Isolation
  • Their Wellbeing
  1. It´s very helpful for people to get to know the story about how a person becomes addicted to drugs, understanding helps to stop judging and moves people to solidarity.

  2. The story of Felicia really tells you how the addiction ruins your life. People around you use your weaknesses to take benefits from you. But, the way she came out of it with a lot of struggle, and then helped a lot of people in dealing this situation later on is really great.

  3. The first thing I boticed about people in the situation is always their mental instability and change in apperance. it can really be devastating for everyone involved

  4. It’s for a healthy change, allowing addiction intervention professionals to help you reset expectations and take a different approach, recommended.

  5. It’s for a healthy change, allowing addiction intervention professionals to help you reset expectations and take a different approach, recommended. It’s never too late for new beginnings.

  6. This is very informative. The only factor that I see is how to spot or the the thing or the timing. The Support system is vital in any addiction. It can make or break a person.

  7. Wow, this is really touching and I really wish this can go a long way out into the world. People need see this. Also I must say, the intervention starts within

  8. Felicia’s agreement to follow the plans her loved ones made for her is the first step to healing. I love how her story ended, more needs to see this

  9. Her methods are quite efficient. Its very hard to give someone interventions and make sure that they are following it.

  10. Many would have said that addiction didn’t start big time. It was a continuous small try. It might seem that it was not bad at all, but only if it goes uncontrollable. I hope you’ll sustain your recovery. Praying for you and the people around you.

  11. It can be almost depressing seeing a love one struggle with these pains from not abstaining from drugs but it good that they can be relieved through drugs.

  12. I agree that getting anyone into the recovery process is such a delicate process. One bad move and everything may get worse.

  13. From the looks of it, Felicia’s family was complicit in making her become an addict. She just had the wrong cards dealt to her.

  14. Increased tolerance to a drug is one of the most telling signs that one needs an intervention. Thanks for mentioning it in your write up.

  15. If not handled the right way, sometimes an intervention may worsen things. Some people are naturally opposed to changing for the better.

  16. Felicia started small and went large but it sadly backfired. I’m glad she was able to grt the necessary help she needed. Breaking out is never an easy feat.

  17. The first thing I boticed about people in the situation is always their mental instability and change in apperance. Such issues usually require professionals. Thank you for sharing the Recovery Center contacts. This should come in handy for many.

  18. Thank God Felicia had the intervention of loved ones to help her in her journey to be sober. Her story is both emotional and inspirational. Detox to rehab thank you for sharing this amazing story of recovery.

  19. The longer the substance abuser tries to solve the problem on their own, the more complicated the situation becomes. Seeking appropriate help is one of the surest route to escape the tyranny of drugs.

  20. Truly, helping addicts to recovery is a delicate process, however it is best not to leave them to their problems. Once we have it in mind that there problem is ours through this, we will make success. I am happy Felicia found her way back to recovery. Thanks to all who stood by her in times of trouble.

  21. Another touching story. Family is always there for us when we face challenges and they understand better about those challenges. Glad and happy for Felicia for her family’s intervention to help find recovery.

  22. Organising intervention programme for drug addicts goes a long way towards their recovery. Indeed, Felicia’s case is one of those that such programme has assisted.

  23. It is very crucial to put in place an intervention programme for addicted loved ones. As a matter of fact, Felicia had benefited substantially from this laudable programme.

  24. It´s very helpful for people to get to know the story about how a person becomes addicted to drugs, understanding helps to stop judging and moves people to solidarity. The best thing you can do for an addicted loved one is an intervention. . The intervention itself is only the first step.

  25. The only factor that I see is how to spot or the the thing or the timing. She just had the wrong cards dealt to her. Thanks for sharing this blog.

  26. Intervention is a form of assistance. The best way to do this to first of all identify what the people need and find a way of meeting those needs.

  27. So happy for Felicia for finding her recovery through her family intervention. Going through addiction like she did is not easy.

  28. What an educative story, most people should know fighting addiction alone isn’t always reliable. Seek help, talk to people.

  29. It takes a man of understanding to know that he is alive because he is destined to help someone somewhere. This story is insightful.

  30. Learnt great lesson from this. This post shows the importance of family in life and happy for Felicia for taking their advice for recovery.

  31. For those who are addicted to drug and alcohol, it takes the intervention of practitioners. Thanks for sharing this story.

  32. Giving the needed help as and when required is the best intervention. This is very essential for quick recovery for any addicted individual. My take.

  33. Felicia’s story is a Really great experience full of knowledge.
    From it we all see that Addiction is a difficult thing to overcome without proper help and intervention.

  34. Thank you Detax to rehab for sharing these type of stories with all of us.These stories are really very much inspirational for many people who are addicted with something and try to recover from that.

  35. This article on Felicia’s story has made me realize that proper care should be taken when it comes to what we do around our children, it can actually cool disastrous things in there growing up.

  36. Communication should still go on after an intervention. Her story was so captivating and I’m so glad she’s okay now .

  37. I can see how helping a loved one that is into addiction can be a real challenge, however, there’s where or persistency can make a difference and help them change their lives.

  38. Really fascinating and uplifting story. I like the mention of “the point of no return” and how Felicia is using the treatment program as well as meditation to stay in a positive, healthy frame of mind. I really commend her bravery on sharing her past struggles and outlooks to stay free and sober.

  39. the way she came out of it with a lot of struggle. I really commend her bravery on sharing her past struggles. These stories are really very much inspirational . I am happy Felicia found her way back to recovery.

  40. It was very early for Felicia to get into alcohol alcohol, at just 12. It simply comes down to bring out of control of parental care. It’s quite emotional to hear about a young prodigy going to addiction of alcohol and any drug abuse.

  41. This will hasten the victim’s recovery. Especially when the person is surrounded with the people of substance.

  42. I cannot imagine her drinking alcoholic beverages at that young age. I am thinking of my nieces right now. But thankfully, Felicia manages to change the course over her life. Great work!

  43. It is very young age to be drinking alcoholic beverages like that. It can really be addicting. But thankfully, Felicia manages to change the course over her life. Great work!

  44. The story for me is personally inspiring as it deals with a intervention of a drug addict to a family lover, like my loved ones. Heart touching.

  45. I agree with these notions, Intervention is key but the earlier the better. I think the family made the right move, ” TOUGH LOVE” ??? Definitely but it was the right call for this one.

  46. Knowing the reason a person got addicted to drugs will make people help rather than criticism. Helping an addicted person can be so challenging

    1. There is really nothing like family. It is not easy seeing a loved one taking this path and not do anything to help them. I am glad Felicia’s family was able to stand by her.

  47. Sometimes you’ll never know that you needed help until things go out of hands. Several family and friends would have blamed Felicia but her family realize it wasn’t her but influence of the substance abused. This should be read by all.

  48. Intervention your family really make a big change in your life,how you scare with recovery program it Will change your bright future.dont wory any more and keep sober forever

  49. From Felicia’s Experience,we can deduce that Addiction has Adverse effect on the Victim.
    We all need to be well informed and try our possible best to avoid Drugs.

  50. That addiction to recovery from Felicia is very motivating for everyone. It is quite motivating for people suffering from addiction.

  51. This is why it isn’t good to judge the addicts too fast. They go through a lot at times. It will be the best to help them live again

  52. Felicia was unfortunate to have allowed wrong friends to influence her wrongly…but all the same am glad she made it.

  53. These are very helpful tips! I have an uncle who is a severe alcohol addict and would like for him to stop his alcohol addiction for the better. Thank you for sharing Felicia’s story with us. Information and truly eye opening.

  54. Felicia was scared when she was leaving the treatment center and I think this is something about which treatment care providers should be concerned about. Many addicts relapse back to the previous state after leaving the treatment center and I think we should work on that.

  55. It’s really fantastic people can help people get back on track. It also painful seeing how people are introduced to use of drugs at a very small age. So disheartening

  56. I will say thank God for both the family and professional intervention. This was what gaversion Felicia the strength to go for treatment which changed her life altogether.

  57. I will say thank God for both the family and professional intervention. This was what gave Felicia the strength to go for treatment which changed her life altogether.

  58. Addiction ruined everyone’s life. Its life threaning. Its really frustrated if someone you know got into this.

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