Norco Addiction and Rehabilitation

Norco Addiction Rehab Header
Last Edited: March 17, 2020
Patricia Howard, LMFT, CADC
Clinically Reviewed
Andrew Lancaster, LPC, MAC
All of the information on this page has been reviewed and certified by an addiction professional.

Dangers of Norco Abuse

Norco is a combination of Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen. Norco is an Opioid Narcotic used in pain management. Acetaminophen is a pain reliever that is less potent than Hydrocodone and helps to heighten its effects. $484 billion dollars are spent per year on Norco abuse and misuse. This number includes the wages that have been lost due to the user not attending work, healthcare costs, car accidents, crimes and court fees that may be incurred.

Like most prescription drugs, people might not realize the dangers involved with Norco abuse. People might be prescribed Norco and take an authorized dosage for a few weeks before they need to up their intake. Most people do not realize that after constant use of a substance the dosage needed to get the same effects must be increased. This then might force the user’s body to develop a chemical dependency to that substance.

Click Here for a confidential benefits check to see if your insurance will cover the cost of treatment or call (866) 578-7471 to speak to a addiction specialist.

If you or a loved one have a Norco addiction and are looking for help, give us a call. We have people waiting by the phones who specialize in helping people find substance abuse treatment to recover from any drug.

Street Names for Norco

Norco can be called many different names when being sold and purchased illegally. Some of those street names are: Vicodin, Vikes, Hydro, Hydro-C.

Norco Effects

Opiate receptors that sit on the surface of your nerve cells, which are called neurons, are used by the brain to send messages though the body by releasing signaling chemicals or neurotransmitters. These attach to adjacent neurons, allowing signals to be sent and received inside the body. The receptors are involved in processing the endorphins but when medications are introduced into the body they accept this as normal. The brain eventually starts to rely on the fake endorphins and stops the production of the genuine form. Norco is highly addictive. People who become addicted to Norco are searching for the euphoric high it gives. Because it has become a popular street drug the DEA rules that they would increase control over the drug.

Warning Signs of Norco Abuse in a Loved One

Norco Abuse is a very real, dangerous threat for people. Norco is available in tablets. Customary for the oblong shaped tablets there are two dosages available. Each of these can have two colors. When looking at the pill it will say Norco on one side and have a number printed on the other. The can be either white, orange, or yellow. There are generic versions available that offer different shapes, color, and stamp because of manufacturer preferences.

Your loved one might be in danger if you notice that he or she can’t refrain from using Norco. He or she may wake up in the morning claiming they will not get high and find themselves using just to get through the day. They might have a chemical dependency.

People who have an addiction usually feel anxious, sick or tired if they are unable to score a fix of their favorite substance. This might be one of the easier signs to notice, if your loved one get angry easily when they do not get high it could be a bad sign.

If your loved one is in deep with a Norco addiction is if he or she will bail on prior engagements. Most people who have an addiction put drug use above their family, friends and activities. If they aren’t present for obligations, there could be a problem.

Factual Dangers: Norco

According to an FDA report, Norco contains propoxyphene, which can cause serious side-effects. Overdose from Norco can happen by itself, or with Alcohol or other medicines. It can decrease a person’s breathing and make them very sleepy. The FDA reports that a Norco overdose can be fatal within an hour after using it. These interactive videos are to help you get a better understanding of the dangers associated with Norco abuse.

Best Voted Treatment Centers  stars rating

Private Clinic Albany
Private Clinic Albany
2607 Ledo Road, Albany, GA, United States 31707
Willingway Addiction Treatment
Willingway Addiction Treatment
311 Jones Mill Road, Statesboro, GA, United States 30458
Private Detox of Utah
Private Detox of Utah
2129 Alta Canyon Dr, Sandy, UT 84093, USA 84093
La Ventana Treatment Programs
La Ventana Treatment Programs
3625 Thousand Oaks Blvd #102, Thousand Oaks, CA 91362, USA 91362
A Better Today Recovery Services - Scottsdale, AZ
A Better Today Recovery Services - Scottsdale, AZ
15721 North Greenway Hayden Loop, Scottsdale, AZ, USA 85260
2020 Tally Rd 34748Leesburg FL
CASPAR, Inc - Cambridge, MA
CASPAR, Inc - Cambridge, MA
11 Russell St 02144Somerville MA
Phoenix House - New Hampshire
Phoenix House - New Hampshire
3 Pierce Rd 03444Dublin NH
Cummins Behavioral Health Systems
Cummins Behavioral Health Systems
940 Lasley Drive, Lebanon, IN, United States 46025
Weill Cornell Medical College Suboxone Treatment Program
Weill Cornell Medical College Suboxone Treatment Program
56 West 45th Street 9th Floor New York, NY 10036 10036
Oasis Behavioral Health
Oasis Behavioral Health
2190 North Grace Boulevard, Chandler, AZ, United States 85225
First Nations Community Healthsource
First Nations Community Healthsource
5608 Zuni Road Southeast, Albuquerque, NM 87108, United States 87108

True Stories of Addiction: Justin’s Recovery Story

Justin’s life took a turn for the worst when he tried Norco. Listen to his story to figure out how he recovered. – View all episodes now

Norco Rehab Treatment

There are a lot of different options of treatment for Norco addiction to choose from. You need to find a treatment center that offers individualized care that meets your specific needs. Most rehab programs offer addiction education, group therapy and individual therapy. Getting care on a full spectrum will make sure that your needs are met efficiently. Rehabs typically last 30, 60 or 90 days, but can also be shorter or much longer. Rehab is the first step to recovery, where you will establish new skills that will help you avoid substance abuse in the future. After rehab, you will need to work hard to continue the progress made in treatment.

Rehab helps people recover from the situations their drug abuse has put them in and deal with any underlying emotional and psychological issues that may be at the heart of the addiction. While addressing these aspects of substance abuse disorder, you will identify your triggers for using and develop new coping skills. You will create a plan for how to avoid or deal with those triggers in the future so that you do not relapse when you leave rehab.

It can be overwhelming to start this process alone. Give us a call and our addiction specialists will walk you through all the different aspects of rehab. We can help you find a treatment plan that fits all your personal needs and ensures the best chances of your success. – Learn More

Norco Detox Treatment

Withdrawal symptoms depend on how long you have abused the substance, the doses you take, other substances you use simultaneously and preexisting conditions. In most cases, a medically supervised detox is recommended to ensure the client’s health during this difficult process and ease the discomfort of withdrawals as best as possible. People who try to self-detox often experience more intense symptoms. Most people can completely withdraw from Norco, when supervised, in six to eight days.

Norco withdrawal symptoms include but are not limited to severe pain, feelings of pins and needles throughout the body, cold sweats, anxiety, agitation, tremors, restlessness, vomiting, diarrhea, involuntary leg movements and craving for Norco or any Opiate based substance. Withdrawal symptoms can last up to six weeks and can be followed by post-acute withdrawal symptoms of depression, insomnia and weakness that are known to persist for months. Detoxing medically can shorten this time and alleviate many of these uncomfortable symptoms. – Learn More

Addiction to Norco

Addiction can happen to anyone and is nothing to be embarrassed about. Substance abuse disorder is seen as a medical disease that requires professional help. What most people do not realize is that their Norco addiction can be part of co-occurring disorders, better known as a dual-diagnosis disorder. The person who has a chemical dependency to Norco might be compelled to take the drug because of another problem like depression, PTSD or an abusive relationship. People might not see Norco as a dangerous drug because it is used medically, but this is a misconception.

Norco abuse has many dangerous consequences. Long-term use of Norco may cause liver and kidney damage or malfunction. Other serious adverse effects of abusing this drug and possible signs of overdose are: urinary retention, itchiness, respiratory depression, hearing loss, coma, stupor and death in severe cases. If you are experiencing any of these, please contact your healthcare provider or contact emergency medical services.

Addiction happens when the brain creates a reward cycle associated with the use of Norco. This happens with repeated use, alongside a developing physical tolerance and dependence. When the addiction is strong, the reward associated with Norco is perceived as more important than almost anything else. In this way, using is prioritized above other things that the individual genuinely cares about. – Learn More

Norco Dependency

Norco is considered a high-risk drug by the FDA, as most Prescription Painkillers are, due to the dangers of its abuse and the probability for addiction to form. Most people start their Norco use because of pain. After some consistency of use, the brain creates associations with using Norco and feeling better which eventually leads the individual to believe that he or she needs Norco just to be able to function, think clearly or feel normal. This in turn can cause stress when the person develops a tolerance to Norco and the amount prescribed no longer works as well as it used to.

Too many people think that just because prescription drugs are given to them by a doctor, they are safer. When someone’s tolerance to the drug increases, he or she will need to take a higher dose to achieve the same effects. As dose and frequency of use goes up, the person’s tolerance keeps rising as well. Before you now it, it is an endless cycle of abuse. He or she uses more and more while their brain and body becomes more accustomed to the new levels.

It can be a tireless, and seemingly impossible task to break a chemical dependency. People who want to break free from their Norco addiction may have tried to stop on their own, only to lose another day to Norco abuse. Your best chance at breaking a chemical dependency is through completing a rehab treatment program. – Learn More

Seeking help for a loved one

  • Who Do I Include in a Norco Intervention?
    It is best to include an intervention specialist and those closest the Norco addicted individual. It is best to leave out anyone who may not be able to control their anger.
  • What Do I Say in A Norco Intervention?
    You will speak directly to your loved one, only speaking in love and concern while leaving out judgment or anger. Let him or her know the negative impact their Norco addiction causes you.

Getting Your Loved One Help

Do you think a loved one is abusing Norco? You may need an intervention. Abusing Norco can cause changes in behavior including mental clouding and mood changes. The battle against addiction to drugs can be very overwhelming for those who haven’t prepared for it. When you or someone you care about is deeply dependent on any drug, emotions often come into play, which can easily cause someone to lose their focus. Its recommended a professional be used to help convey love and respect with your message.

You may feel helpless when having to bear witness to someone you love walking slowly toward death because of dangerous substances. You might have to be the one to try to wake your loved one up to the idea of substance abuse treatment. You can attempt to do so by holding an intervention. Gathering friends and family to show your loved one that people still care can go a long way. Your loved one might not be as deep in denial about the addiction as you think.

In many cases, people who have a substance abuse problem, want to get professional help to recover. These people might not speak up because they may feel that their family and friends will not understand what it takes to fight back against an addiction. Or your loved one may feel so isolated that if he or she asks for help there won’t be any help, only ridicule by loved ones. If you gather people who still care about your addicted loved one, then you might be able to convince him or her that enrolling in rehab could save his or her life. – Learn More

Recovery from Norco Abuse

One of the most important parts of recovery is aftercare. When you leave treatment, it’s just the beginning. Aftercare will help you learn how to deal with reality. In treatment, you are shielded from everyday struggle. Life is hard and aftercare brings you around people to deal with the complexities that life throws your way. Some of the main aftercare programs are 12-step groups, counseling and alumni programs. In each of these groups, you will get to connect with other people who are in recovery. When you seek out aftercare, you are investing in yourself and your future. It won’t happen in one fell swoop. A lot of people think that they can recover quickly or that rehab will end their addiction, that is not the case.

Recovery is not just a 30 to 90-day plan. It is a life-long decision that, at times, will need just as much time and effort as you used during your rehab program. There are various aftercare programs that can be used to your advantage. The most common follow-up programs to rehab are NA and AA meetings. These gatherings are held by the 12-step community and are designed for those in recovery to meet and greet with one another.

People who attend these meetings regularly usually find a sponsor then work through the 12-steps. These sponsors help those who may be newer to the program realize that the program works and can help anyone remain sober. After you have completed each of the 12-steps, you may want to consider being a sponsor to help others who are where you were when you started.

Learning Who Is at Risk

Norco is generally prescribed to people who have mild to severe pain. Unfortunately, in a lot of cases, people may begin taking the drug correctly, but they end up taking more than prescribed. One of the reasons for this is that the drug might not fully make them feel better. They might still feel residual pain and want to treat that somehow. This can lead to a slippery slope that has them taking even more drugs to stay afloat. Another risk group is the teenage population. Teenagers have increasing access to drugs from family members and loved ones. Teenagers also might feel like taking pills is less wrong than taking more illicit drugs. Teenagers are especially at danger because their bodies aren’t fully developed yet. As such, it impacts them in different ways.

Prescription drugs are becoming some of the most abused substances in the country. There is a false assumption made by too many people that prescription drugs are not dangerous or deadly. Over half of people who abuse prescription drugs get them from a friend or family member. Sometimes, the person giving the drugs away has the same mindset, he or she may believe that because they are prescription drugs that their friend or family member who they are giving it to will not be in danger.

Prescription drugs can be just as dangerous if not taken correctly. Do not abuse prescription drugs thinking that addiction cannot reach out to grab you. An addiction to prescription drugs can be a gateway to the ever-haunting poison known as Heroin.

Are You Seeking Inpatient or Outpatient Rehab?

It can be confusing to know the difference between inpatient and outpatient rehab, and maybe even more confusing to know what program would be better for Norco addiction.

Inpatient rehab is perfect for someone who needs to get a little space from life. You may be having trouble handling your responsibilities because of your addiction, residential rehab takes you out of the day to day grind while helping you get control over your addiction. When someone is addicted there are withdrawal symptoms that come alone with detoxing. An inpatient rehab has the medical staff to provide medication to make the withdrawal symptoms manageable. These facilities help you overcome your addiction, but we also provide care for a wide-range of related mental health issues. When you become addicted it may seem like a long, hard road to recovery; we want to let you know that it is possible to get clean.

Choosing outpatient treatment means committing to your recovery. Outpatient treatment is a less structured form treatment. When addicted to Norco it is best to go through a medically supervised detox facility and then enter an outpatient treatment program. This means that a client will need to travel to a facility at regular intervals. This kind of treatment usually consists of counseling and could take the form of an individual session or with a group. Some of the different types of therapy available for outpatients would be: motivational interviewing, motivational incentives, cognitive behavioral therapy, and multidimensional family therapy.

Traveling for Norco Treatment May Be the Answer

After you have called us and get assistance in deciding on inpatient or outpatient treatment, you may want to consider traveling treatment. Typically, clients don’t travel for outpatient treatment. But if you are serious about recovering from your Norco addiction, it is recommended that you travel for inpatient treatment.

Staying in the place where your addiction first took root could offset a lot of the progress you make in treatment. A lot of people feel comfortable staying in the place where they are from. However, comfort is not the friend of someone who needs to recover from Alcohol and drug abuse. You need to challenge yourself and get out of your comfort zone in to make the positive strides to change. Traveling for treatment also provides you with the anonymity you need to go through treatment in privacy. A lot of people don’t want to run into those they know in public. It can prove difficult to have people you know seeing you in treatment. Traveling also helps you begin again. Everybody wants a new beginning with recovery and traveling puts you in position for that.

If you need help finding a rehab facility in another city or state, please call us now. Detox to Rehab specializes in assisting those seeking recovery to find a facility in a different area. It may be scary to think about leaving your normal surroundings to attend rehab, but it’s not as scary as letting your addiction win every day for the rest of your life. Change your current setting so that you can change your life for the better.

True Stories of Addiction: Breana’s Recovery Story

Breana’s life went downhill when she watched her mother pass away at 13 years old. She began experimenting with drugs, and it ended up taking everything from her. She was homeless, afraid and alone wondering what her life has become. She ended up getting pregnant and got on a Norco program that didn’t help her recover, but rather, it made things worse. Her child was taken by CPS and she was heartbroken. It took some time, but Breana fought the battle of addiction and won. She is now living a clean and sober life with her daughter right by her side. If Breana can recover, you can too.

Feeling like Part of a Group Can Help

Group therapy is an aspect of treatment that is offered at most inpatient rehab facilities. Taking away the feeling of isolation can help tremendously when fighting back against an addiction.

Group therapy is one of the pillars of an effective treatment process. In group therapy, the clients will learn a multitude of skills to help them overcome addiction on a daily basis. Learning to heal with others can go a long way in making sure that the person interacts with society in positive ways. In a lot of ways, addiction isolates people and makes them only interact in fear-based ways with people. They learn to cheat, lie and steal in order to satisfy their cravings. In society, people need to have humility and live for others rather than themselves some of the time. The group therapy sessions involve process sessions where they go through their emotions and listen to other people going through other things. In experiential groups, the clients will learn how to heal from addiction through art, yoga and other hands on pursuits. Lastly, educational therapy helps people learn the skills and strategies to overcome addiction daily.

Group therapy can also show to you that you are not the only one trying to fight back against addiction. Your family and friends who are not in recovery cannot always relate to you, because they might not know anything about denying intense temptations to use drugs and alcohol. People who are seeking life-long recovery will understand and will be willing to help. You are not alone.

Heal Your Family through Therapy

When you heal the family, you heal the individual and vice versa. Healing the family offsets the years of emotional scar tissue that people have regarding their family. A lot of times, people stumble into addiction because of family trauma. So, it’s instrumental to heal the family. Family therapy is supposed to be rooted in love and respect. It is supposed to be conversational. The therapist will help set up goals and rewards for the members to gain if they do reach the various behavior stipulations. Healing the self is important, but healing the self is aided by the family. If you want to recover from addiction, bring your family along. There are a lot of ways that addiction hurts families, but recovery that incorporates the family is the type that lasts.

Many families fall apart because of an addiction to a drug such as Norco. Most inpatient rehab plans and follow-up programs include some form of family therapy. It can be difficult to get the entire family to participate. Everyone has their own obligations; some people may not want to talk to the family member or is seeking recovery. But family therapy can help the family feel whole again.

The family member seeking recovery probably wants to rebuild the relationships with their relatives, but might not know how. The guilty of what he or she put their family through could eat away at them. But if everyone makes an attempt to work through a family therapy program, then he or she has a much better chance of making a comeback from their Norco addiction.