Narconon Drug Rehabilitation Program For Addiction


Narconon can make a difference to those who suffer from drug or alcohol abuse by providing them purpose and productivity when they feel empty and alone. But, many feel this program misdirects those who are lost and trying to recover from substance abuse. No matter what, it’s important to realize there is no secret to getting sober. It doesn’t matter if you are trying through Narconon or a 12-step treatment center. There are treatment centers that help you along your path to sobriety.

Sometimes, it is important to make a fresh start in your life. Making a fresh start after you have gone through drug withdrawal and rehabilitation is a good place to begin again. Before you can seek the purposeful new path you want to explore, you need to process through your symptoms of withdrawal and begin to build the steps you will need to get through your recovery. It’s not easy and requires the best rehabilitation center, strength, and resolve you can find.

What is Narconon?

In 1972, L. Ron Hubbard, the renowned author, and humanitarian who started Scientology opened the first Narconon center in Los Angeles, California. For the next forty years, Narconon grew to be one of the best-known and biggest rehabilitation programs in the world. It now has over 33 residential facilities, offices, and clinics across 29 countries. The Association for Better Living and Education (ABLE) a non-profit, runs the 33 Narconon in-patient residential centers worldwide.

First Stage of Recovery

Association for Better Living and Education (ABLE’s) treatment methods state they use evidence-based, drug-free approach for their rehabilitation approach. Narconon’s treatment for those in withdrawal or recovery involves helping them find their way back into the workaday world. It is their rehabilitation proposition it is by resuming their normal lifestyle without using substances that reach them. It is then those in recovery realize life has been a circle which revolved around substances and hiding in cave-like darkness.

ABLE’s treatment transition includes several steps, changes, and resolutions. The Narconon First Step is withdrawal. In the withdrawal stage of recovery, those who suffer from substance abuse, enter into the ‘Drug-Free Withdrawal’ phase. This phase allows those in substance abuse recovery no drugs at all. Narconon says it isn’t cold turkey because those in withdrawal are given a daily course of vitamins. The vitamins help with the imbalances in the body chemistry of those in withdrawal.

Second Stage Therapeutic TR’s

Narconon has training routines (TR), which are introduced after those in substance abuse recovery complete their withdrawal phase. Those in recovery go through simple TR drills and exercises on communication styles. The exercise training’s purpose is to learn better communication skills. You learn how to communicate better and understand yourself more. There are nine stages in this series of substance abuse recovery phases.

Nine Stages of Training Routines

Each TR stage must be mastered before moving to the next stage. TR1 – 9 are broken down into the following:

  1. TR1 – clear communication
  2. TR2 – how to acknowledge properly
  3. TR3 – how to get an answer to a question that stays the same each time
  4. TR4 – how to handle the origination
  5. TR5 – hand mimicry
  6. TR6 – effective control over an individual or group
  7. TR7 – ditto as TR6 but with more gradient
  8. TR8 – intention without reservation – which means to clarify your intentions
  9. TR9 – mastery of four conceptions

It’s important to note you must take TR 0-4 three times before you are allowed to take TR5 and TR6.

Stage 3 – Cleansing Detoxification

Stage 3 is when any remaining drug residues or toxic substances still in your body are removed. Many of these residues are found in your fatty tissues and can be released into your blood stream for years after you stop taking drugs. ABLE’s program prescribes the following to help you deal with the cravings that are the result of the substances being released through your bloodstream.

  • Niacin.
  • Exercise.
  • Sauna.
  • Oils.
  • Vitamins and mineral supplements.

The Narconon program feels it is best to remove the drug residues from your body through this exact regimen of exercise, sauna, and nutritional supplements.

Narconon Picture Book

ABLE’s program does give those who are suffering from substance abuse a picture book during their recovery program. The book is filled with examples of success stories of those who have conquered their substance abuse dependencies. There are also some cartoons, sayings, and medical research which provides information on the Narconon methodology and treatment for substance abuse recovery.

Last Phase of Scientology Method

The last stage is presented through a series of six courses. Each course follows an original Scientology message. But, each message and reading revolve around living in recovery. The names of the six courses are:

  1. The Narconon Learning Improvement Course
  2. The Narconon Perception and Communication Course
  3. The Narconon Ups and Downs in Life Course
  4. The Narconon Personal Values and Integrity Course
  5. The Narconon Changing Conditions in Life Course
  6. The Narconon THE WAY TO HAPPINESS® Course

Does Narconon Work?

There is no way to answer the question does Narconon work because no one person measures success the same way. Success cannot be measured by those in substance abuse treatment and recovery either except for those who become sober vs. those who may not. Narconon makes claims of a high success rate in court documents of up to 82%. The success rates is somewhat phenomenal as most treatment centers and rehabilitation centers have about at 30%-50% success rate.

Where’s Your Purposeful Path?

Your purposeful path lies within you. There are recovery and rehabilitation centers from Narconon to Detox to Rehab for you to research or try. If you are seeking recovery from your substance abuse issues you are joining 19.7 other Americans in the same fight as you. But there are places, people, and programs that can and will make a difference.

The hardest step you will ever take is the first one. That is the step that takes you across the threshold of your rehabilitation and recovery center. By going somewhere safe that can meet your recovery needs, you give yourself a chance to complete the program and live your life in recovery.



1 comment
  1. How have I never heard of Narconon?! Thanks for sharing this!! I have a brother in law right now who would most likely benefit from this type of program (he’s been to about 2 other programs and they didn’t fit well with him).

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