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Addiction/Behavioral Counseling Servs
7805 Taft Street, Merrillville IN, 46410
In Merrillville, IN, Addiction/Behavioral Counseling Servs provides Outpatient programs with Spanish, Other languages(excluding Spanish). Fundamentally focusing on Substance Abuse Treatment Services, they treat patients who need Substance abuse treatment. Specialized programs or groups are also im
Awakenings Counseling Center
7853 Taft Street, Merrillville IN, 46410
Located in Merrillville, IN, Awakenings Counseling Center facilitates Outpatient treatment programs that specialize in Mix of Mental Health and Substance Abuse. Their services include Substance abuse treatment. Awakenings Counseling Center also runs special, therapy programs and groups that treat
Regional Mental Health Center
8555 Taft Street, Merrillville IN, 46410
Regional Mental Health Center in Merrillville, IN is a Mix of Mental Health and Substance Abuse. Regional Mental Health Center provides Substance abuse treatment, Detoxification, Buprenorphine used in treatment in Outpatient, Short-term residential settings. Medicaid, State financed health insuran
Southlake Mental Health Center Inc
8555 Taft Street, Merrillville IN, 46410
Located in Merrillville, IN, Southlake Mental Health Center Inc facilitates Outpatient, Hospital inpatient treatment programs that specialize in Mental Health Treatment Services. Southlake Mental Health Center Inc also runs special, therapy programs and groups that treat Persons with co-occurring m