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The PAAR Center
184 W Belleview Ave, Porterville CA, 93257
The PAAR Center has been in operation since 1965. During the over forty years of our existence we have provided alcohol and other drug treatment services for over 30,000 individuals who suffer from the disease of addiction.All of The PAAR Center’s programs utilize the Social Model Modality of
Maynords Recovery Center
19325 Cherokee Rd, Tuolumne CA, 95379
Maynord’s Recovery Center has been leading the way in substance abuse and addiction treatment services for 36 years. Helping men and women over the age of 18 abstain from the use of drugs and alcohol and maintain long term sobriety.Located near Yosemite National Forest and in the foothills in the
The Last Resort Adolescent Recovery Center
3125 E Orangeburg Ave, Modesto CA, 95355
At The Last Resort, we treat each young person with consideration for their individual needs and problems. We develop a treatment plan that is uniquely tailored to each adolescent. While the primary focus will be sobriety, there are other issues we can assess and address for the greatest success of
The Living Center
416 Corson Ave, Modesto CA, 95350
TLC's unique holistic, systematic approach addresses the physical, psychological, social and spiritual aspects of addiction, and includes other family members and significant others in the process. The client's family is invited to participate in the treatment to develop an understanding of the dise
New Hope Recovery
823 E Orangeburg Ave, Modesto CA, 95350
At New Hope Recovery, we provide the highest quality full range care for clients and their families suffering from addiction. The term addiction refers to the dependency on alcohol or drugs, including marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine and others.Our clients come from all walks of life, and are
Nirvana Drug and Alcohol Treatment Institute
1100 Kansas Ave, Modesto CA, 95351
Nirvana's Drug and Alcohol Institute was created in 1997, to treat and educate those suffering from debilitating addictions. Nirvana has a structured system of care that includes; assesments, residential services, outpatient services, sober living services, dual diagnosis support, referrals, re-entr
Changing Echoes
7632 Pool Station Rd, Angels Camp CA, 95222
Changing Echoes was established in 1989 as a social model chemical dependency treatment facility for alcohol and drug addiction. With the intent to render quality treatment for affordable prices to men and women who suffer from the disease of addiction. During our history at Changing Echoes we have
Healthy Connections, Inc.
1839 El Dorado St, Stockton CA, 95206
It is the mission of Healthy Connections, Inc. to provide medication-assisted treatment to those individuals suffering from the disease of opioid addiction seeking help. Utilizing an assessment process which is sensitive to the complex biological, psychological, sociological and cultural factors ass
Janus of Santa Cruz
200 7th Ave, Santa Cruz CA, 95062
Janus of Santa Cruz was founded in 1976 by physician Dr. Robert G. O’Brient, who introduced a highly effective approach for treating alcoholism in a social model setting. Today, that first modest facility has grown into one of the most respected, full-service addiction treatment centers in central
Saint Josephs Behavioral Health Center
2510 N California St, Stockton CA, 95204
We are here to help you get sober and stay sober. Our medically supervised detox program can help those dealing with drug and/or alcohol dependency start their journey toward sobriety. Our dialectical behavior therapy, 12 step programs, and support groups can help those treated stay sober. The care
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