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Addiction Treatment Services
5510 Nathan Shock Drive, Baltimore MD, 21224
Addiction Treatment Services (BBRC Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Ctr) located at 5510 Nathan Shock Drive, Baltimore, MD 21224, United States is a drug rehab program providing substance abuse treatment, detoxification, methadone maintenance, methadone detox, and buprenorphine used in drug treatment w
Stepworks Recovery Centers
3825 Marydell Rd, London KY, 40741
The Stepworks 30-day residential treatment program, located in southeastern KY, provides the structure and support you need to attain sobriety. More important, you’ll acquire the skills needed to hold onto your sobriety for the long run. Our 30-day residential treatment program revolves around an
Addiction Treatment Center of NE
77 Warren Street, Brighton MA, 2135
Providing Substance abuse treatment, Detoxification, Methadone maintenance, Methadone detoxification, Addiction Treatment Center of NE is a Substance Abuse Treatment Services in Brighton, MA. Payment is accepted in the form of Medicaid, State financed health insurance plan other than Medicaid, Cash
Fresh Start Behavioral Services
688 East Union Square, Sandy UT, 84070
Fresh Start Behavioral Services is a Treatment Center located in Sandy, UT which maintains Substance Abuse Treatment Services as their primary focus. Services include: Substance abuse treatment, Detoxification, Buprenorphine used in treatment. Specialized programs and groups are coordinated, devis
Northwest Texas Healthcare System
1501 Coulter Road, Amarillo TX, 79106
Northwest Texas Healthcare System (The Pavillion) located at 1501 Coulter Road, Amarillo, TX 79106, United States is an alcohol treatment center providing substance abuse treatment and detoxification with outpatient care, partial hospitalization or day treatment, and hospitalization or inpatient car
RJ Blackley
100 H Street, Butner NC, 27509
In Butner, NC, RJ Blackley provides Hospital inpatient programs with Services for the deaf and hard of hearing. Fundamentally focusing on Mix of Mental Health and Substance Abuse, they treat patients who need Substance abuse treatment, Detoxification, Buprenorphine used in treatment. Specialized p
NuWay Community Services Inc
110 East 79th Street, Chicago IL, 60619
In Chicago, IL, NuWay Community Services Inc segments their treatment services based on Substance Abuse Treatment Services within a Outpatient. The segmented services encompass Substance abuse treatment, Detoxification, Methadone maintenance. Programs and groups are organized to provide structured
Southeast Georgia Treatment Center LLC
816 Professional Center Drive, Eastman GA, 31023
In Eastman, GA, Southeast Georgia Treatment Center LLC segments their treatment services based on Substance Abuse Treatment Services within a Outpatient. The segmented services encompass Substance abuse treatment, Detoxification, Methadone maintenance. Cash or self-payment are acceptable forms of
Montana Chemical Dependency Center
525 E Mercury St, Butte MT, 59701
Montana Chemical Dependency Center (MCDC) provides medical managed inpatient care for the disease of addiction. Care is patient centered and outcome informed with individualized treatment plans. A team of professionals provide treatment, education, therapy and support for the patient throughout vari
Community Recovery Resources (CORR)
440 Henderson Street, Grass Valley CA, 95945
Community Recovery Resources (CORR) (Grass Valley) located at 440 Henderson Street, Grass Valley, CA 95945, United States is an alcohol rehab program providing substance abuse treatment and detoxification with outpatient care and partial hospitalization or day treatment. Adolecents or teens, dual di