The Rockdale House - Southeast Conyers, GA
1060 Scott St SE
Conyers GA, 30012
The Rockdale Houses for Men and Women are long-term residential recovery programs for alcoholics and addicts. The program was founded in 1974 and is a Certified Recovery Residence through the Department of Human Resources. Our goal is to help men and... Read more
About this Facility
The Rockdale Houses for Men and Women are long-term residential recovery programs for alcoholics and addicts. The program was founded in 1974 and is a Certified Recovery Residence through the Department of Human Resources. Our goal is to help men and women restore their lives, become productive members of society, and offer assistance to families. Completion of the program requires stable employment, a sober environment in which to live and a positive attitude. The program is a minimum of four months; however, an individual may stay longer if there is a need.The Rockdale Houses are very strict and structured. The residents share household duties and attend and participate in three meetings a day. They are taught order, discipline and to take responsibility for their actions, which helps them make better life choices. Each house is staffed twenty-four hours a day by individuals who are in recovery. This approach allows residents the opportunity to model themselves after the success of someone who has had the same experiences and is recovering successfully. In addition, each house has a certified addiction counselor on staff.
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Albert Lynn Wilson
I have read good reviews and some very bad ones. No place by any means is perfect. If someone wants to get sober, as I do, I have to take the good with the bad. I want myself back more than ever. I am asking for help!!! Thank You Very Much!!!!
Albert Lynn Wilson
I would be interested in your facility. I am a disabled Vet with PTSD and an alcohol problem. I have been in and out of treatment so many times. It is now to get me back, along with my family. I live in McDonough, Ga. 30252. I can be reached at 678-787-1318. Would someone please contact me with some information? I don't know what type of insurance you take. I only have medicare.
Andrew Lynch
I am a practicing criminal defense attorney and many of my client's have real substance abuse issues. The Rockdale House for Men is a quality low frills program that has the respect of the courts. I would send my friends or family here.
Love this place!!
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