
Horizon Health and Wellness

3180 E 40th St
Yuma AZ, 85365
(16 Reviews)

Horizon Human Service operates a 30 day, Level II 24-hour supervised residential facility for individuals with substance abuse diagnoses and individuals identified with co-occurring mental health disorders.For the men and women entering residenti... Read more

About this Facility'+'+
Horizon Human Service operates a 30 day, Level II 24-hour supervised residential facility for individuals with substance abuse diagnoses and individuals identified with co-occurring mental health disorders.For the men and women entering residential treatment, their evidenced based program, Living In Balance, will offer a curriculum that will assist them in identifying addictive thinking and behaviors. It will teach them new adaptive coping and social skills, help change their lifestyles, access community resources to establish support networks and help them to accomplish their individual service and treatment plan goals. There is a swimming pool and workout area on the property. Substance-free activities and community outings are regularly scheduled.Services include family therapy, case management, and aftercare. Participants are encouraged to take part in family, group, and community activities in order to promote community integration. Community self help groups are held at the facility and attended by participants in the community. Horizon Health and Wellness also offers crisis and psychiatric services as well as referral services.Referrals come primarily from providers within the scope of services of the Regional Behavioral Health Authority, and may come from multiple referral sources throughout the state of Arizona. Admission is dependent on the available space and availability of funding sources. The program is licensed to serve a capacity of 10 individuals.Participants are eligible for admission after a screening conducted by program staff. Criteria for admission includes, Medical necessity for 24-hour supervision, a minimum of 72 hours free from all substances, medical stability, psychiatric stability.
Payment Methods
Alcohol Use Disorder
With a commitment to make treatment accessible, scholarships are offered for individuals in need but are facing financial challenges to afford recovery.
Alcohol Use Disorder
State Funded
This treatment facility is taking part in state-funded programs by offering subsidized treatment options to eligible individuals for no or reduced cost.
Alcohol Use Disorder
State Insurance
Individuals covered by state-sponsored health ensurance are able to utilize their policies for substance and health treatment services.
Treatment Model
Alcohol Use Disorder
12 Step
Alcohol Use Disorder
Dual Diagnosis
Length of Stay
Alcohol Use Disorder
28/ 30 days
Setting (Inpatient)
Alcohol Use Disorder
Gender Inpatient
Alcohol Use Disorder
Contact Information'+'+
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Bob Green
In the transition from the previous house psychiatrist to Romon, the dynamics drastically changed, and the introduction of gaslighting became more prevalent. Romon's approach, characterized by a detached demeanor, constant reference to a screen, and a reluctance to consider medication options, has left a notable impact. His reliance on coping strategies, seemingly recited from a script, lacks the personal touch and genuine engagement that was once present.The absence of eye contact and the impression that he might be consulting with another doctor remotely further diminish the sense of individualized care. The therapeutic component has also been affected, as the assigned therapist lacks the necessary experience, presenting an additional challenge in addressing the issues at hand.This shift has led to a less satisfactory experience for those seeking professional help, leaving one to question the effectiveness of the current approach. The suggestion to "look elsewhere" becomes understandable for those who seek a more personalized and effective mental health support system, especially when faced with the prospect of merely coping with persistent problems rather than finding comprehensive solutions. The conspicuous absence of empathy, coupled with an overt display of a superiority complex, manifested in the dismissive recommendation to "suck it up and deal with your problems." This response not only lacked the necessary understanding of the nuanced and complex nature of my concerns but also underscored a disregard for the importance of fostering a supportive and compassionate therapeutic relationship. The insistence on a coping-centric approach, devoid of nuanced exploration and tailored interventions, raises questions about the depth of genuine commitment to addressing individual mental health needs.
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Sherie B.
I've been a patient here since Jan 2007. For 7 years I only had 2 shrinks who were both wonderful. Then they changed to mountain health and wellness and drove away the good drs. Now it's horizon and just as bad. I haven't had a regular doc in 2 years. The drs case managers and therapists must not be paid or treated very well because its a revolving door. As an smi patient I need more stability with my drs. I spent a year begging for specialized counseling before my case manager gave up and told me she was quitting because the place sux. We need better options here. One positive is the crisis manager I spoke to last night was great. Also a woman named Sheila went above and beyond for me.
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Tracy R.
Loved it until the counselor left
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Marie S.
Yeah they have appts months out and if you do get one it's by skype=cannot believe that! They tell you to come in and wait all day Mondays for a cancellation if you really need to see someone. Yet they never tell you if there is a NPRN or Psychiatrist currently on staff since they leave as soon as they are there like a month. Go To Jewish Family Services if you can
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Jacquelyn F.
This facility is decent, I would not really recommend it to anyone I know. Lots of messed up and canceled appointments, understaffed. By far the worst thing about this place is a 'therapist' named BRENDA. She speaks to wemon in her 'group' like they are misfit children. She is very unprofessional in the way she speaks and she is very biased and she voices it. If you are in a crisis or need some help, you better pray they don't assign you to Brenda, you are out of luck. She definitely lost all of my trust and I would never go back to that facility. I would rather try and make it on my own then asking for help from this place.
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Dee B.
I was told I could have counseling once a month when I did my intake appointment. I found out today, a month later all they can offer me group therapy. I was told that there was no one available for one on one morning counseling. I chose this practice for convenience sake. Needless to say that it's very inconvenient. I was told to join a local mother's club by the caseworker to cope with my issues til a counselor becomes available. I'll be making phone calls to see if I can find a place that actually has staff and isn't too far away tomorrow.
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Topaz D.
Clean facility. Friendly counselors.
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Sal C.
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Jessica S.
Extremely hard to get an appointment and they just dropped Mercy Maricopa patients but on the plus side there's a Pokemon gym and pokey stuff right outside the door
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Alfredo P.
Ive been going for a year. I was told I would get counseling once a month and they would provide group counselling. I did one 12 weeks program. After that my medication doctor was through Skype. Sms so glad I am going to Emapct. Adios horizon.
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Erin H.
Great councillors! Wonderful groups! Have made some good friends here!
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Kevin L.
The management for behavioral health is horrible. They care only for themselves and money and very little to none for employees and patients. This is why employee turn over rate is so high. To bad they have a monopoly on the market in this area.
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Thank you Brenda and Dante!!! Love you guys!! Salute, lol
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Ashton C.
Very friendly staff and very flexible for scheduling.
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Mike G.
Very efficient medical office and friendly staff. They seem to genuinely care about their patients. I highly recommend this medical office.
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Caleb E.
This place is a joke all they want is your money worst place I've dealt with in years
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