The Opioid epidemic is claiming American lives in truly astonishing numbers. The Center for Disease Control estimates that 91 people die every day from an Opioid overdose, including prescription Opioids and Heroin. Opioids are some of the most addictive and devastating substances. Whole communities have been swept up into this national health crisis.
Most people who have used Opioids for an extended period know that the withdrawal symptoms can be awful. Many people start detoxing alone at home and quickly relapse due to the severity of discomfort and symptomology. Opioid withdrawal has proven some of the most traumatic and torturous experiences possible.
Suboxone, brand name for Buprenorphine and Naloxone, has become a welcome substitute to Methadone for those withdrawing off Heroin and other strong Opioids. Suboxone works to mitigate withdrawal symptoms while not producing the same high as regular Opioids. Clients start on a higher dose of Suboxone and taper off the drug over a period of time. The time it takes to fully taper off Suboxone depends on the individual and his or her using habits.
If you are addicted to Opioids, find a detox center now. Below is a list of detox centers that offer a Suboxone taper.