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BAART Programs - Menlo Park, CA
795 Willow Rd, Winnetka IL, 60093
Since 1977, addiction Research and Treatment dba BAART, has been providing drug treatment and rehabilitation services. This program provides treatment withing BAART Programs' continuum of care that includes behavioral health services, opioid treatment programs, and primary medical care. From Omaha t
Whiteside Manor
, Peoria IL, 61615
At Whiteside Manor, we are dedicated to bringing you comprehensive, yet affordable, drug and alcohol treatment programs. Whiteside Manor is a full-service residential drug and alcohol treatment center, accredited by CARF and certified by the State of California. Additionally, we are one of the f
Rose Medical Association, Inc.
209 W Romeo B Garrett Ave, Peoria IL, 61605
Rose Medical Association (RMA), Inc. believes in the importance of building a healthy community. It is important for the community to have the ability to sustain itself, the families, the children, the schools and the businesses contained within it. Without this sustainablity, the community would de
Illinois Institute for Addiction Recovery
5409 Knoxville Ave, Peoria IL, 61614
The Illinois Institute for Addiction Recovery (IIAR) has been providing quality, hospital-based addiction treatment services in central Illinois since 1979. Inpatient/Residential and outpatient counseling and treatment services are available for adults with chemical and/or behavioral addictions, as
Chestnut Health Systems
1003 Martin Luther King Jr Dr, Bloomington IL, 61701
At Chestnut Health Systems, we understand that seeking treatment for yourself or talking to someone about a loved one's problem with alcohol or drugs can be difficult. We recognize the challenge of finding quality addiction counseling and treatment for adolescents and adults. Our dedicated staff wil
Family Guidance Center
120 N 11th St, Springfield IL, 62703
Family Guidance Centers, Inc. (FGC), a not-for-profit behavioral healthcare organization, treats and prevents substance abuse, as well as an array of other related problems. Since 1969, FGC's comprehensive programming has educated and guided individuals toward their full potential as productive memb
Heritage Behavioral Health Center
151 N Main St, Decatur IL, 62523
Heritage Behavioral Health Center, Inc., celebrates 60-years of providing exceptional service in 2016, tracing its origin back to March 1, 1956. Then known as the Mental Health Clinic, accepted its first client on April 10 and has been providing continuous service ever since. In 1967, the Alcoholism
Saint Mary's Hospital Substance Abuse Treatment Center
1800 E Lake Shore Dr, Decatur IL, 62521
Because recovery from a substance abuse disorder is ongoing, St. Mary’s offers a range of treatment options designed to meet each patient’s changing needs. We are a 12-Step inspired program staffed with professionals with a wealth of knowledge surrounding chemical dependency issues. Abstinence a
The Pavilion Behavioral Health System
809 W Church St, Champaign IL, 61820
The Pavilion’s addiction treatment spans the continuum of care and includes Inpatient Medical Detoxification, Dual Diagnosis Treatment, and Residential/Partial Hospital Treatment. Based on the 12-step model, we assist patients in building the skills and resources necessary for sustained recovery
Carle Addiction Recovery Center
611 W Park St, Urbana IL, 61801
f you or a loved one face addiction, you are not alone. Substance abuse hits every age group, every social class and many families. Carle Addiction Recovery Center offers holistic, medically-based treatment and intervention programs for any type of substance addiction, from alcohol and narcotics to