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Behavioral Health Services Inc.
351 E 6th St, Long Beach CA, 90802
Behavioral Health Services is a not-for-profit community-based healthcare organization providing substance abuse, mental health, drug-free transitional living, older adult services, HIV/AIDS education and prevention, and other related health services to the residents of Southern California.BHS b
Tarzana Treatment Centers
2101 Magnolia Ave, Long Beach CA, 90806
Tarzana Treatment Centers, Inc. is a full-service behavioral healthcare organization that provides high quality, cost-effective substance abuse and mental health treatment to adults and youth. We are a non-profit, community-based organization that operates a psychiatric hospital, residential and out
Safe Refuge
1041 Redondo Ave, Long Beach CA, 90804
The organization now known as Safe Refuge began in 1988 and was known as the Substance Abuse Foundation (SAF) for most of that time. We have earned a reputation of excellence during our two-plus decades – serving individuals in Southern California who are struggling and have few options at a most
Southern California Comprehensive Treatment Centers
117 E Harry Bridges Blvd Wilmington, Los Angeles CA, 90744
Coastal Recovery Comprehensive Treatment Center is a superior provider of medication assisted treatment for those who are struggling with an opioid addiction. Providing programming options for adults aged 18 and older, Coastal Recovery Comprehensive Treatment Center offers collective care that is co
Aegis Treatment Centers, LLC
1322 N Avalon Blvd Wilmington, Los Angeles CA, 90744
Headquartered in Los Angeles, and with 25 clinics in 15 counties throughout the State of California, Aegis Treatment Centers, LLC. delivers an expansive set of services to more than 6,500 patients per day. Over the last decade, Aegis has pursued a proactive agenda for the advancement of clinical st
The Beacon House
1003 S Beacon St San Pedro, Los Angeles CA, 90731
The Beacon House Association of San Pedro, is a state certified residential alcoholic/drug recovery facility for men over the age of 18 who are ambulatory, mentally competent, and have a sincere desire to achieve long lasting abstinence from drugs and alcohol.Our office is located on Beacon Stre
Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation - Rancho Mirage
39000 Bob Hope Dr, Rancho Mirage CA, 92270
Expert, comprehensive alcohol and drug rehab in Southern California Addiction treatment programs at the Betty Ford Center integrate the latest research and evidence-based practices—always leading with the respect and compassion that have set our care apart for decades.With addiction, every pe
Sunspire Health Desert Palms
67580 Jones Rd, Cathedral City CA, 92234
Sunspire Health Desert Palms is a licensed residential treatment facility that provides a personal approach to care for men and women suffering from substance use and co-occurring mental health disorders. Our highly trained team of physicians, nurses, therapists and residential staff are addiction s
Riverside County Dept. of Mental Health
44199 Monroe St, Indio CA, 92201
Riverside University Health System – Behavioral Health has developed an exceptional reputation for providing services that involve the latest innovations in clinical practices affecting mental health. A high rate of client satisfaction has added to this reputation. We have a dedicated professional
ABC Recovery Center
44374 Palm St, Indio CA, 92201
The ABC Recovery Center provides the best care for people who suffer from drug and alcohol addiction. Our high quality facilities, personal treatment plans and professional staff are always there to help and to plan the best possible program to suit each individual patient. Our efforts go way beyond