Talbott Recovery - Dunwoody, GA
2153 Peachford Rd
Dunwoody GA, 30338
Talbott Recovery will be the premier behavioral healthcare system that responds to the needs of the community we serve. We will be recognized for our commitment to service excellence, providing superior services to our patients, families, referents a... Read more
About this Facility
Talbott Recovery will be the premier behavioral healthcare system that responds to the needs of the community we serve. We will be recognized for our commitment to service excellence, providing superior services to our patients, families, referents and alumni. We will deliver outstanding individualized treatment with clinical care of unsurpassed quality and will support a knowledgeable, skilled and caring professional staff.For thirty eight years Talbott Recovery has been dedicated to delivering the highest quality addiction treatment services available. Originally the Talbott Recovery program was primarily designed to treat healthcare professionals (physicians, pharmacists, nurses) earning Talbott Recovery a national reputation as: “the place where healers come to be healed.” During those three decades, alcohol and drug rehab program services were expanded and offered to a full range of adults (18 years and older) and now includes a second specialty program designed to address the unique issues and recovery challenges faced by young adults(18 to 25 years)
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Chris P.
I'm not sure how long ago the other reviewer went to Talbott but it has been years since it was called Talbott Marsh. I went in 2012, and I must say that none of what he said is true. Talbott provided me with transportation to and from the apartments on their shuttle bus every day. If I had wanted my car, I could have had it. We stayed in nice gated apartments off campus with a pool and workout room available. I was able to speak to my family on the phone every day I was there, including Day #1. Family was invited every week for visitation and they had a three day workshop. My family learned a lot about addiction and they no longer looked at addiction as a moral issue but as a medical issue. I had access to email and online banking the entire time. There is computer lab on campus and one at the apartments. I was able to shop at Publix and really anywhere for that matter. The stipulation was that I could not leave the apartments or campus alone. Other patients had to be with me. I was given ample time at night to converse with my wife and children. The only people I saw lose their rights were people that were too immature to follow simple rules. It was about as close to real life as I can imagine a treatment center being.I went in helpless and hopeless and the team at Talbott gave me my life back. I went to Talbott after a failed treatment at another so-called 'great' treatment center. Talbott was light years ahead of the other center. Every single staff member seemed like they really cared about my well-being and recovery. I am a licensed professional, and Talbott stood by me the entire way to re-licensure. My wife and I were talking separation before treatment but now have a strong marriage. As of today, I have been clean for 3 years and 8 months.
Lynn C.
Also called TRC. See my review on Uhs Talbott Marsh. Your human rights are gone upon check in. Very difficult to get out, if you have a choice go to jail instead. you will be out quicker. This place has high publicity for severe mistreatment of 'clients'.You have virtually no contact with the outside world. Man, I can't breathe remembering.Causes LONG term emotional distress as they break down your personality to conform to their control tactics. Very degrading treatment and punishment; many strange rules. High suicide rates even after leaving. I knew if I did not leave I would commit suicide so I left after three very long hard weeks. Very controlled minimal family contact is allowed so there is no outside interference to what they do.When I questioned them they put me in a special mandatory group (more intense brainwashing) and isolated me. They make you do so much of their work throughout the day, you are exhausted but can't sleep at night (no time to even write 'help me' in a letter) then they make you get up real early and do it again the next day. This goes on for months even years if you have enough money. So the more you question the crazier they document you to be; meaning worse treatment and LONGER stay.The worst part was EXTREME peer pressure to where others are spying on you constantly, tattling and challenging your thoughts. You have NO privacy the whole time, including secret inspections regularly of your room.Also, you don't have a car so you are forced to ride along with someone who has 'earned' that privilege (they actually drove their car here). Talk about endangerment. This one I had to go with drove super fast and very recklessly, in Atlanta! In and out of traffic at dangerous speed. Geese. I can't believe I lived through that! Made me want a drink, a whole bottle! Thanks. Oh, but when I spoke up about that incredible danger I was labelled a 'gossiper' and put in even more 'special' groups and time added to my stay there.They turn your family against you. I saw people selling their homes to pay this place off. See my review of Dr. Miller, I called him in extreme distress and he guided me safely out. I would not have made it without his support and help.
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