
Serenity House Drug & Alcohol Treatment & Prevention

1546 N 2nd St
Abilene TX, 79601
(10 Reviews)

Addiction treatment is no easy process. Many who are addicted are not even aware that they have an actual disease, nor do they have the tools they need to recover. For the last thirty years, we have helped over 30,000 patients recover from drug and... Read more

About this Facility'+'+
Addiction treatment is no easy process. Many who are addicted are not even aware that they have an actual disease, nor do they have the tools they need to recover. For the last thirty years, we have helped over 30,000 patients recover from drug and alcohol addiction. We have a tried and true, comprehensive drug and alcohol rehab program that equips patients with important mental, physical and emotional resources for their recovery. Rather than relying on just one approach, we craft a personalized addiction treatment program to meet the unique needs of each individual. We utilize a medical model in our drug and alcohol rehab because addiction is a disease; it actually changes a person’s brain chemistry. Our detox program is overseen by experienced nurses and physicians who implement a safe, healthy detoxification plan based on each patient’s drugs of choice and intoxication levels. Our residential addiction treatment program does not settle for symptom relief; we want to address the root causes of the disease so that true healing can occur. In our experience, there is no program of recovery that has brought freedom to more alcoholics and drug addicts than the twelve-step program. It’s effectiveness is proven by the millions of people who are living clean and sober because of the transformation they found through working the steps. Our treatment center patients engage these steps through the Recovery Dynamics curriculum, which utilizes a cognitive behavioral therapeutic model. As patients complete assignments related to each step, it promotes cognitive restructuring, actually changing the way they think about addiction, relationships, and lifestyle choices.
Payment Methods
Alcohol Use Disorder
As a simple and direct way to take care of the cost related to treatment, cash payments are accepted at this treatment center.
Alcohol Use Disorder
Offering modern and secure payment options, various cards are accepted here to offer convenience and flexibility to the patients.
Alcohol Use Disorder
With a commitment to make treatment accessible, scholarships are offered for individuals in need but are facing financial challenges to afford recovery.
Alcohol Use Disorder
Private Insurance
This treatment centers is working together with various private health insurance, to ensure that the optimal service is provided for each policy.
Alcohol Use Disorder
Payment plans
Financial constraints can happen, but do not have to restrict your access to treatment. This facility is offering customizable plans with manageable installments so you can fully focus on your recovery.
Length of Stay
Alcohol Use Disorder
Treatment Model
Alcohol Use Disorder
12 Step
Setting (Inpatient)
Alcohol Use Disorder
Gender Inpatient
Alcohol Use Disorder
Therapy Sessions (Outpatient)
Alcohol Use Disorder
Contact Information'+'+
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Ralph Howell
We recently took our daughter to Serenity House in Abilene, Tx. Less than 24 hours later she was calling for us to come get her. She shared with us that the place didn't seem to be kept or maintained very well. Dirty towels. She wasn't notified about meals or meal time. Food was sloppy and cold. She was never checked on about meds or med time. She went and sought out a person on the medical staff and asked about her meds, and the med staff person didn't know what she was talking about. She was there less than 24 hours and yet the charge was for 2 days for $1276. Insurance covered $620, but we are left with a bill for $655. I understand that there are utilities and staff to cover, but $655 for less than a 24 hour stay, poor food and having to hunt someone down about your meds...and then them not even knowing you take meds....that's a tad much. If the cost gets re-adjusted I will update this review.
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Jodi K.
If you want something bad enough you will put your all into it, so with that if you want to change something in your life & willing to accept the help, they will show you the way that has helped thousands of people. Jodi.
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Earlene B.
My 41 yr old son came home after 24 days of a supposedly 30 tearment because he had completed what was required by CPS. I knew talking to him on the phone he was not ready to come home , but he was very good at 'fooling' you'll that he was ready. The very next day he had a case of beer in his car,and yes he got his job back,but his addition to his supposedly soon to be ex-wife, and drugs, one month after gettibg out of your facility, he is trying to get in another Center. I'm very disappointed with your facility as a mother I expected more 'help' than what I think he got.He had way to many phone priveleges, the first time he went to REHAB in2009 there was no phone for the first 2-weeks I would not recommend this facility.
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Adrian H.
I went to serenity house twice the first time i went and yea wanted help with my drinking. But i dont think i was ready to change fully yea i paid attention and did the book work but when i had got out i still wasn't ready to stop. One month later i was back in my same old ways drinking but i think for me my family and friends wanted me to go so i kinda did it for them but im the back of my mind i knew i still wanted to drink maybe not as much but still i fell back into it. So i had to go back the second time but it was different because i went because i wanted to for me i was drinking myself to death and was tired and scared. I wanted to change my life so i went again but this time was focused on the goal 100 percent i didnt just go threw the motions and tell people what they wanted to hear. I knew this was my last shot but what im trying to say its a great program it works if you work it not anyone else or for anyone else. So again I'd like to thank everyone at the serenity house ive been good and sober going on 2years now. I had my first baby boy 1 yr ago and now we are expecting our second in January. So yea i couldnt wouldn't be here without them so god bless and thank yall so much everyone at the serenity house and god bless all the suffering attics out there too.
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Danielle G.
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Winston H.
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Robert N.
Great treatment center
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Joe H.
First time i was not good i was really coming off of herion and i got in the medicin office and got busted after i was high as hell got kick out cops were called i had the vans keys in my pockit. I was a mess. But i conected with the right people and giving another chance god bless my wife through all this she never failed me or left me.. so i made it through i give it 5 stars for sure . And not my only time threw eather and im going again not really going cause im hurting but to save my self and hopefully my marrage and ill be doing a lot more listing this time im doing it for me coause its me if im not good then i cant be right for anyone else God bless and if your out there call before you die cause you will die rememmber i mentioned my loving wife im here because of her i surly would of died no dought about it..ttmab love??
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Noah M.
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