Gateway Foundation - Springfield, IL
2200 Lake Victoria Dr
Springfield IL, 62703
With more than 40 years of substance abuse treatment experience, rest assured that our specialists will take the time to learn about your unique situation to gain an understanding of the specific needs of you or your loved one. We then develop a pers... Read more
About this Facility
With more than 40 years of substance abuse treatment experience, rest assured that our specialists will take the time to learn about your unique situation to gain an understanding of the specific needs of you or your loved one. We then develop a personalized treatment plan with recommendations for the most appropriate care based on an individual's substance abuse and mental health history.At Gateway, we understand the importance of integrated substance abuse treatment planning, which means each client is assigned a team of highly-trained, multidisciplinary licensed substance abuse treatment professionals. This provides the most effective and integrated treatment planning from on-site medical doctors, nurses, psychiatrists and addiction counselors.
Facility Gallery

Joint Commission


State License
Type of Care


Drug Addiction

Dual Diagnosis

Mental Health and Substance Abuse

Opioid Addiction
Payment/Insurance/Funding Accepted

Dedicated to accessible care, Medicare is supported at this facility. Qualifying individuals can focus fully on their recovery without any financial strain.

Private insurance

Self-pay options

Financial aid

Monthly: $25,000

Financing available
Special Programs/Groups Offered

Adolescence program

Adult program

Hearing impaired program

Program for men

Program for women

Young adult program
Levels of Care


Medically Assisted Detox

Intensive Outpatient


24-Hour Clinical Care


Aftercare Support
Clinical Services

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Family Therapy

Group Therapy

Individual Therapy

Motivational Interviewing

Nicotine Replacement Therapy

Rational Behavior Therapy

Trauma Therapy
Settings and Amenities

Private setting


Recreation room
Contact Information
Patient Reviews
Customer Reviews
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David Aliki
I typed up a whole long thing because I just have gone through so much bs there. And to pay so mf much just for them to take me from already sober for a while to them saying i “need meds to help cravings” that I did not want to take that got me high and dependent on them. I was in triumph unit which is straight up a unit they have for people with large money insurance. If you decide you have had enough of your stuff being stolen under their watch from their offices and them lying to you that they checked the cameras when u ask the person in charge of the past recordings and he says they have not done a thing. Or people bursting into your room while ur naked and not leaving when asked too. If you show any sign of wanting to leave They will cut off all your contact to the outside world. No more calls to home if you mention wanting to leave. No tech time. All cut off. That’s when they tell you that if you want to leave they will have to keep all the meds that they have prescribed you. And you have to just walk the street for 24 hours before they will release your clothes and phone or any means of identification. And when you follow their advice and reach out to insurance to get the meds they kept from you refilled. You will have to wait a month because they have your meds there and you can’t double up on controlled substances. So many people were there saying that they were even higher and more consistently doped up than on the outside. It’s almost what they want. Bc then your calm in group and they can control when you leave by withholding medications that you have become dependent on. They
Will just switch the street stuff for pills and give u an even harder addiction. But this time with a prescription to get them at your local Walmart. They told me if I did not stay there for the full 40 which they found they could get out of my insurance. Mind you they were ready to discharge me at 30 until they found they could use my insurance longer, that I had no chance of staying sober and they had all the answers in their lessons which is no more than reading word for word from packets that date back to 2001 2005 at the newest. Well fuck that. I got what I could get from the very few professional staff there and left early. Never was given back many of my valuables because when I asked for a medical discharge they said sure then terminated me when they pushed me out the door before I could even check my bags that they packed for me.
Aaron Martin
This treatment facility actively discriminates due to your insurance! I couldn't use my tablet or laptop computers because I have medicaid health insurance or the "free health insurance" and a job mind you that I returned to after being thrown out of this program because I complained that it was bullsh!t. The people there with private insurance got to use their laptops and tablets in a little room with unlimited coffee, fruit, donuts the list goes on. When I entered that room when I was showed by a janitor I was quickly escorted out like I was a dog! This is CLEARLY DISCRIMINATION AGAINST ME AND THE TYPE OF HEALTH INSURANCE I HAVE GATEWAY! Never have I been so insulted in my life and treated so poorly than at a place that basically treated you like inmates at a PRISON. And I worked as a correctional officer for 4 years so I know what it's like in a prison environment. I do NOT recommend this place to anyone ever this is I clear WARNING to anyone reading this! You will be mistreated and discriminated against possibly worse. /Fk Gateway
I’m a graduate from Gateway for over 40 Years and Gateway is what helped me get out of drugs. If it wasn’t from them I would probably be dead. Thank You Gateway and one of these days soon I’ll come down there to look at the place that saved my Life.
It's taken me 8 years to write this review. In the spring of 2013, at the age of 18, our son entered treatment at Gateway in Springfield, IL. We were hopeful, treatment seemed to be helping, until one night he was held down and sexually assaulted by four of his roommates. For some reason, no one was supervising the rooms that night. This was a traumatic event for him and our entire family. Unfortunately, it was detrimental to his recovery. He never trusted treatment facilities again. In 2016 he died from an overdose.
Michelle Bocik
Brought my son to Gateway Lake Villa Friday, October 8th. October 9th "Dr" Donita Lester diagnosed him suicidal and had him transferred to hospital for evaluation. In less than 2 hrs. ER Dr. and social worker stated he was not suicidal and they would take him back to Gateway. Gateway said they couldn't do anything till Monday. In the last year about a half a dozen doctors have stated he is not suicidal which I explained. I tried desperately to discuss with David Woods, to no avail. They will not take him back. "Dr." Donita Lester just received her license last month from a Christian College. I suggest reviewing "Dr." DonitaLester's YouTube videos. This woman is bat shit crazy! The only one's mentally I'll are the one's who would hired this nut job!Last year he was at Gateway Chicago for 2 days. Got in with drugs, did mo counseling, but was trying to be recruited by another patient to sell heroin on the streets of Chicago. Let go after complaining. Gateway Lake Villa didn't do their due diligence either and my son got in with his phone.These people have no desire to help anyone. Nothing but a scam.
I enjoyed my stay at gateway they made me feel very welcome and helped me in many ways.... the staff here is amazing they made me feel very comfortable and I believe that if I ever need these services again this will b the place I choose...
Aimee W
carrie is great she takes time out to try to help the teen and even called me to try to see what she could do better to help him!!!
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