Ethan Health
1623 Foxhaven Dr
Richmond KY, 40475
Ethan Health is a CARF accredited drug & alcohol addiction recovery provider.Substance abuse impacts all aspects of an individual’s life and the path towards rehabilitation requires more than a simple acute care model.Recovery is defi... Read more
About this Facility
Ethan Health is a CARF accredited drug & alcohol addiction recovery provider.Substance abuse impacts all aspects of an individual’s life and the path towards rehabilitation requires more than a simple acute care model.Recovery is defined as a process through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live a self-directed life, and strive to reach their full potential.At Ethan Heath, we recognize that drug & alcohol abuse and dependence is a chronic and progressive illness and so our treatment programs are intended to help guide the patient to develop a healthy lifestyle and improve their personal relationships.We provide each of our clients with a personalized treatment plan that is tailored to their individual needs, strengths, weaknesses and personal goals. It is our philosophy that the responsibility for personal growth and change lies with the patient and that our role is to support them along their journey to recovery.Our treatment philosophy is to treat clients with the lowest dose of Medication Assisted Therapy (‘MAT’) to remove their cravings and withdrawals so that they may begin their path of rehabilitation without the physical obstacles to recovery.We taper our clients dose every three months as tolerated.We believe clients can successfully taper off ‘MAT’ after acquiring the support and skills they need to obtain their goal of sobriety.WE WILL WALK THE ROAD WITH YOU, BUT NO ONE CAN WALK THE ROAD FOR YOU
We would love to get you or a loved one started on the path to recovery, contact us today.We have offices located in Richmond and Burlington, KY
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