Carolina Treatment Centers - Anderson-Clemson, SC
341 W Beltline Blvd
Anderson SC, 29625
At Carolina Treatment Centers, we strive to provide the highest level of care and support through the process of recovery from opioid addiction.We utilize Methadone and Suboxone in combination with our experienced addiction counselors to provide ... Read more
About this Facility
At Carolina Treatment Centers, we strive to provide the highest level of care and support through the process of recovery from opioid addiction.We utilize Methadone and Suboxone in combination with our experienced addiction counselors to provide the most effective treatment available to free yourself from addiction to heroin and pain pills.
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Teresa A
I use to really like this treatment center and back a few years ago it was so different and better. I think staff are not believing that they are making a difference and when staff loses that spirit to make a change or help someone to achieve that change then the patients don't see it or believe in their selves . Take recovery serious when you start here ,take advantage of what your counselor offers things won't get better right away but you have the tools to get a job ,get legal matters taken care of,stability and confidence back. If you are at your lowest this kind of treatment will get you back to middle ground. Please research metadone/Suboxone treatment the good things and bad things so you know exactly what is expected of these medicine's and I am and have been a patient of metadone treatment centers and no matter what they say metadone is addicted and should be used for a short period and the recovery and witdrawals from this is hard . "ADDED LATER ON" Also this clinic needs to offer more resources to help recovering addicts . They have lost TOUCH with helping and like most places came to be all about money. . This clinic has lost touch with making a difference in the people lives. Being a true counselor is about the challenge and push of helping a individual who is addicted see they can become drug free. But you have to have a true desire to want that first. I wish you or whomever in your life that is having issue with addiction the very best in their recovery . ALSO, the clinic In Easley is far better and really take' s your recovery serious if you are able to get there I recommend this one over Anderson.
Rose B
This place saved my life. When I first came here I didn’t like it very much. I didn’t really want to get clean and it was pricey at first. $14 for 8 mlgs of suboxone seemed steep. I’d rather much spend that money to go get drugs and get high at the time. But this was a journey me and my husband needed and we are both so happy that we stayed strong and continued to come here! We both decided it was time to kick heroin and pills and coke. The first few days were really tough, being an addict as you imagine was tough to even have the money to get clean, but it was the best investment we have ever made. I never thought we would be clean or alive even, but 8 months later we’re still going strong and for the best reason. Like I said the first few days were tough and I had no intention of staying clean, however a week after coming here the Nurse, Chris, informed me I was pregnant. Me and my husband were quite shocked and scared about the whole situation. But that just gave us more motivation to stay drug free. The whole experience was so tough but I’m beyond thankful to my counselor Candice and the staff here. With all their support and care the whole process was so much easier. My counselor Candice was so caring and gave me here personal number in case I needed any support when the clinic was closed. I was beyond scared and just feeling so guilty about myself and the situation I had gotten myself and my child into( not knowingly) but their support and kindness have been keeping me on track. I am proud to say that we have been drug free for 8 months now and will continue to do so now thanks to my child and supportive husband. I really can’t stress how much my counselor and the staff here saved my life and my child’s life not knowingly. I couldn’t have gotten through this all without them. I know every experience is different but I have nothing but great things to say about this place. Candice is a great counselor and is so great about listening to you. I’ve cried and laughed and probably experienced every emotion in her office but she has been nothing but supportive and caring through it all. She even has tried to help me with getting baby items while I was pregnant and gave me great advice for when my child was teething. I could never thank everyone enough here for all the help and support and care that they have shown me! The receptionist, Pam the pharmacist, Chris the nurse there, and the other counselors like George who was my husbands counselor for all their help and care! Thank you so much for saving my life, my child’s life, and my family!
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