Adam’s life spiraled out of control after his wife left him.
He turned to alcohol to fill the void. Drinking became his coping mechanism for everything. Adam’s family and friends were concerned about him but weren’t sure if he had a “real” problem.
Alcohol abuse doesn’t always present itself as a life-or-death situation, but it is. If you or someone you love is struggling with alcohol, don’t wait for things to worsen. The path towards healing starts now by learning the top warning signs.
Read on to learn the top symptoms of alcohol dependence.
1. Urges to Drink
Alcohol cravings can be extremely powerful and difficult to resist. They may come on suddenly or may build up slowly over time. For some people, specific events or situations, such as seeing someone else drink alcohol or being in a place where alcohol triggers cravings.
For others, cravings may occur without any obvious trigger. Regardless of the cause, alcohol cravings can be very intense and hard to ignore.
People who experience cravings often report a strong need or desire to drink and physical symptoms such as sweating and trembling. Cravings can vary in frequency, from happening several times a day to only occurring occasionally.
If you’re struggling to control your alcohol consumption, finding ways to cope with cravings when they occur is essential. Some helpful strategies include distraction, deep breathing exercises, and talking to a supportive friend or family member.
2. Needing a Drink to Unwind
One of the signs of alcohol dependence is feeling like you need to drink to relax or calm down. This happens because alcohol is a central nervous system depressant. That means it slows down the communication between your brain and your body.
When you drink, you may feel like your worries are melting away, and you’re finally able to relax. However, this is only temporary.
Alcohol makes it harder for you to cope with stress and can contribute to anxiety and depression. If you find that you’re relying on alcohol to help you relax, it’s essential to reach out for help. There are many resources available to support you on your journey to recovery.
3. Alcohol Abuse
If you find that you’re regularly drinking more alcohol than you had planned to or more than you intended to drink, it could be a sign that you’re developing alcohol dependence. It could also be a sign of alcohol abuse. This is a serious matter, and it’s essential, to be honest about what’s happening.
Alcohol dependence can lead to many problems, including liver damage, financial difficulties, relationship problems, and even legal trouble. If you’re worried that you might be dependent on alcohol, it’s essential to seek out professional help.
There are treatment options available that can help you get your life back on track. Remember, you’re not alone in this – service is out there.
4. Addicted to Alcohol
It can be hard to know if you’re addicted to alcohol. After all, social drinking is a common and accepted part of many cultures. However, there are some signs that you may be dependent on alcohol.
One of the most common signs is having trouble cutting down or controlling your drinking habits. If you find that you’re regularly drinking more than you are intended or unable to stick to the limits you set for yourself, it may be time to seek help.
Other signs of alcohol dependence include:
- Feeling the need to drink to relax
- Feeling guilty or ashamed
- Experiencing financial problems
After a night of drinking, do you wake up feeling ashamed? Even if you didn’t do anything you regret, you feel a heavy sense of guilt or something being wrong. If this sounds familiar, you might be tuning into a part of yourself that wants a change.
If a loved one becomes defensive when you comment on their shame towards drinking, it could be a cry for help.
If you’re concerned about alcohol use, talk to your doctor or a professional counselor. They can help you assess your situation and make the best health and well-being decisions.
5. Negative Consequences in Personal Life
One of the most common signs of alcohol dependence is experiencing negative consequences due to your drinking. This can include problems with work, school, relationships, legal issues, and so on.
For instance, we’re you on a fast track to promotion but suddenly find yourself falling behind? Were you due to graduate but find yourself struggling to keep up with coursework? When you used to be able to do something but now find it impossible, alcohol could be to blame.
Don’t worry, though, the negative effects stop almost immediately when the drinking stops. Soon, it becomes possible to go after life goals with the energy and tenacity you need!
6. Drinking Despite Problems
It’s normal to enjoy a drink now and then, but it’s not normal to feel like you can’t live without alcohol. If drinking has become more important than other things in your life, it may be a sign that you’re dependent on alcohol. One major sign of dependence is continuing to drink even though it’s causing harm or problems in your life.
For example, you may keep drinking even though it’s causing financial problems or making you miss work. Or, you may continue drinking even though it harms your health or damages your relationships.
If you’re struggling to control your drinking, it’s important to get help. Alcohol dependence is a serious problem, but there are treatments that can help you recover.
7. Developing a Tolerance
When someone first starts drinking alcohol, it doesn’t take much to feel the desired effects. However, over time, the body becomes tolerant to the substance and requires more and more to feel those same effects. This is because chronic drinking causes brain changes that lead to tolerance.
For example, chronic drinking can lead to a decrease in the number of GABA receptors, which are responsible for inhibiting neural activity. As a result, the brain becomes less responsive to alcohol’s sedative effects.
In addition, chronic drinking can also lead to an increase in glutamine synthetase activity, which makes the brain more resistant to alcohol’s inhibitory effects. As tolerance develops, it becomes increasingly difficult for someone to control their alcohol consumption, which can lead to dependence and addiction. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the signs of tolerance so that you can seek help before it’s too late.
8. Lack of Joy
It’s normal to feel down every now and then. The world happiness report finds that people tend to worry about the state of the world on a frequent basis. However, that doesn’t mean your life should be devoid of joy.
One of the signs that someone may be alcohol dependent is losing the joy in their life. If activities that used to bring pleasure no longer do, alcohol may be impacting mood or cognitive functioning.
For example, if a loved one used to enjoy going out with friends but now find themselves feeling anxious or depressed when they try to socialize, it could be a sign that they’re relying on alcohol to cope. If you’re worried about someone you care about, reach out to them and offer your support. They may not be ready to admit there’s a problem, but letting them know you’re there for them can make a world of difference.
9. Feeling Depressed
Alcohol dependence and depression often go hand-in-hand. People dependent on alcohol may start to experience symptoms of depression, and those who are already struggling with depression may turn to alcohol as a way to self-medicate. There are several reasons why these two conditions so often co-occur.
For one, alcohol is a depressant, so it can exacerbate existing symptoms of depression. Since depression symptoms are similar to symptoms of alcohol dependence, it can be hard to notice the additional irritation at first.
Additionally, drinking can interfere with sleep, which can further contribute to feelings of depression. Finally, alcoholism can lead to social isolation, triggering or worsening depression.
If you are struggling with both alcohol dependence and depression, help is out there. Addiction treatment often includes therapy and medication, and working with a mental health professional can help you to manage your depression in a healthy way. With treatment, it is possible to live a sober and fulfilling life.
Symptoms of Alcohol Dependence
There’s no easy way to admit that alcohol abuse is happening. However, once you identify symptoms of alcohol dependence, you can start taking steps towards recovery. The sooner you reach out for professional assistance, the sooner the healing can begin.
Detox To Rehab is here to answer any questions you might have. If you want access to the best resources and caring individuals, we can help.
Life doesn’t end because of alcohol dependence. It begins when you start treatment. Let’s work together to stop substance abuse; contact us today.
The content of this article is really helpful and detailed, everything that’s needed to be known on the addiction of alcohol is there, and it also gives an insight on how to overcome this addiction.
Adam’s story is really sad. After separating from his wife, he turned to alcohol to overcome loneliness. He needs help.
Alcohol abuse is a kind of disease you are trapped of if you are doing it, the information in this article seems quite educative to me.
These are the glaring symptoms when it comes to alcohol needs in ones life. You would be depressed and abuse the drink.
Once one crosses that threshold of dependency, addiction has already set in. I’ve never been a true fan of alcohol so I’d never understand why people love alcohols that much. Health is wealth please.
When one always desire to take drinks all the time, then you should know you have already started depending on drinks. SO IT WILL BE TIME TO STOP.
Well, I have seen all of this in reality. People I know use these as excuses, but in the end, they end up having more issues than solutions. . This is why I do not drink.
Thanks for sharing this informative article. Most people don’t know they are dependent on alcohol until it’s too late. This article helps shed light on this topic.
Some people turn to alcohol when they start facing challenges. Overtime , they get hooked and their life spiral out of control. Alcohol dependence is a bad thing and a lot of us often overlook these symptoms of alcohol dependence when our loved ones are walking that path. This article really open my eyes. A lot of people need to read this because it could save a lot of people from getting destroyed by alcohol. Great piece
Am glad i could go through this symptoms. It will help me know when someone is depending on alcohol
This is just so amazing and a very well detailed information. Thank you detox for enlightening us it was really helpful.
I agree is someone aware of something they will hundred percent protect theirself from bad happen of their lives
I am glad i went through this symptoms. This will help me determine if someone is dependant on alcohol.
The assertion that alcohol does not present itself as a death or life is a good one. This is because alcohol doesn’t give life but kills. In the first attempt, the take will see if as an enjoyment but when he or she is addicted, to retract his or her way will be difficult. My advice is that every alcohol addict should seek help.
Thanks for this wonderful story. Many people became addicted because they couldn’t cope with their situation, their only way of coping is getting addicted.
Adam’s life is a great lesson for everyone. Thank you for this pieces of information. I love it. Thank you.
The above itemized symptoms are real and life threatling. It is better not to get involved at all.
Thank you for the revelation of the these symptoms although they are things people are familiar with. This is a form of reminder.
This is a Great Piece of Information.
These Symptoms of Alcohol Intake are absolutely True and It gets Worst if Proper Care isn’t taken.
It is Better to get rid of Addiction at an early stage because when it becomes something else,it is somewhat very difficult to Overcome.
This is really informative, now with this I can tell when a person is becoming dependent on alcohol.
One big misconception about alcohol is that it takes one’s pain away and this is false. It intoxicates for a while then goes off. Alcohol should not be a run to when depression or have any feeling of pain.
I’ve read it carefully and taken some notes. I haven’t seen any of these symptoms in my friends, but I will keep them in mind always.
I understand how it feels to lose a beloved partner, it can make the other go astray. But we shouldn’t be aggrieved and killing ourselves too by going into alcohol and drug abuse, it’s consequences are high and doesn’t help out in terms of solution.
I must confess this article is very important as I now know the signs of alcohol dependence. Noticed also that this signs lead to addiction of many things not just alcohol anything addictive starts with this dependence habit.
This is absolutely great, detox to rehab is really trying to help the addicted people. Thanks so much for sharing this beautiful piece.
That is why I always drink with caution. It is really hard to be alcohol addict. I just hope that more mental institutions will be erected and more doctors will be available to help those in need.
Alcohol dependence basically means early symptoms of addiction. This is how a person gets addicted. Since some people are more vulnerable to addictions, many people become addicted to alcohol quite quickly when they start consuming alcohol.
Developing a tolerance for alcohol is the biggest sign that one is getting dependent on it. It should be avoided at all costs.
Needing alcohol to relax or unwind is something a lot of people experience. i never knew it was a sign of alcohol dependence.
Taking a bold step towards recovery from alcohol is the best way to reduce drug addiction. However, I have learnt symptoms to alcohol.
Very clear that there are several physical and emotional deficiencies associated with alcohol dependence. The sad part is drinking alcohol is so engrained in our culture, so the best course of action is to actively seek activities that are not codependent. Dance class, yoga and fitness are some good examples, where you can meet people and still have a good time without alcohol.
This is an absolute great piece of information. I am going to bookmark this page and refer friends to it so as to read and open people’s eye to this signs
Wow! These are real warning signs everyone should look out for. Thanks for sharing.
Wow! These are real warning signs, some people portray these signs but they wave it off saying they are not dependent on alcohol. Very informative, thanks
A series of reaction follows the first glass or bottle of alcohol a person drinks in their life. It will take conscious discipline, accountability and seeking necessary help to avoid alcohol dependence and addiction.
Thanks for this information
This is how a person gets addicted. Noticed also that this signs lead to addiction of many things not just alcohol anything addictive starts with this dependence habit. I’ve never been a true fan of alcohol so I’d never understand why people love alcohols that much. Health is wealth please.
Sometimes, we cannot really tell when enough is enough. Addiction indeed started small, until we become dependent on it. This article is so straight-forward, and every point is real. This is very helpful. Must share to my love ones!
These are signs of alcohol dependence in every alcohol addicts. Once such signs occurs, its best to work towards recovery. Thank you for sharing this information.
These are signs of alcohol dependence in every alcohol addicts. Once such signs occurs, its best to work towards recovery.
This write-up is very helpful as it helps detect alcohol addiction in someone and beyond what measures to take… Thanks Detox.
Thank you Detax to rehab for sharing these type of stories with all of us.These stories are really very much inspirational for many people.
Symptoms of alcohol dependence are conspicuous. However, drug addicts should desist from it.
There are so many people that depends on alcohol for different reasons but one can cross that limit easily and become and become an addict.
Alcohol is one of the relatively easiest ways to get one’s fix from dealing with stressful life problems, which makes it quite dangerous when a person suddenly develops an addiction to it. Drinking moderately and drinking responsibly – knowing and understanding when to stop, knowing and understanding where not to drink, among other safety “checklist” precautions, would indeed help in avoiding alcohol abuse if one is just drinking to enjoy oneself and have fun. Equating alcohol with one’s reason to live, and not being able to function without it however is a recipe for disaster. It’s not shameful to ask for professional help when things get a little bit too overwhelming for the person who believes she or he is developing alcohol dependence, and this is something she of he should definitely understand.
If you feel like you need alcohol to be in the right mood then you are definitely addicted. That’s usually a huge red flag.
What I fear most about alcohol dependence is the depression. It’s a very dark place to be.
Controlling alcohol dependency is never easy. My heart goes out to anyone struggling with alcohol addiction.
As a recovering alcohol addict I wouldn’t wish anyone to go through what I’ve been through. It pays to seek professional help once you realize you have a problem.
Alcohol abuse has become very rampant in recent years. The federal government should step in and do something before it’s too late.
I only ever drink socially and very minimally. It helps me avoid getting addicted to alcohol.
The health problems associated with alcohol dependence are dreadful. I have lost a few friends because of it
Taking action early enough can save a life when it comes to alcohol addiction. The earlier the better!
The best way to fight alcohol dependence is to find a hobby or activity to occupy your mind. I say so because it helped me.
The moment you start trembling and sweating when you haven’t had a drink in a while is a sign that you are addicted. At that point one ought to seek help immediately.