Substance Abuse in the Workplace Statistics

Using Eugeroics to Enhance Work-Doping

workdoping1In today’s world, many individuals are faced with a need to maintain a high standard of productivity. In order to meet these perceived requirements, many individuals turn to assistance from various substances for more heightened or consistent energy levels. This trend is known as Work-Doping.

While a large majority of workers may rely on vitamin supplements, or that one or 12 cups of coffee, other individuals often resort to misusing medications to provide increased alertness, often referred as work-doping. One of the more common substances abused in the venue of work-doping has primarily been Amphetamine-based medications such as Adderall, Ritalin, Dexedrine.

However, there is a less known issue that presents dangers under a seemingly safer appearance. A new drug-class known as Eugeroics, often operating under the brand name Provigil, act as wakefulness enhancers, and are growing within the trend of work-doping.

According to researchers and clinicians, Eugeroic medications are central nervous-system stimulants that were originally designed for the treatment of insomnia and similar sleep disorders. While they serve a similar function to that of prescribed Amphetamines, scientists state that these substances do not possess the same addictive qualities that Amphetamines possess.

Within the clinical setting, this medication possesses traits that appeal to demographics concerned about the risk of addiction. For individuals who are already in recovery, this substance would have an added level of appeal, seeing as it would be able to assist with any sleep disorders, without triggering a potential relapse.

The Danger in Work-Doping

Like most medications, both Eugeroics and Amphetamines often attract a following group ofworkdoping2 people that abuse medications for alternative purposes. For most euphoria-inducing drugs, many individuals may abuse them for the high that they provide.

Alternatively, stimulants like Adderall, Ritalin and Provigil can be abused in order to achieve a heightened level of alertness. However, while Provigil is not universally considered to be addictive, it can be habit-forming when used for the purpose of work-doping.

For individuals who are in recovery from chemical dependency, habit-forming activities present a dangerous correlation with relapsing. This risk is particularly heightened if an individual recovering from amphetamines was abusing Eugeroics for its stimulating effect.

The Deadly Allure of Work-Doping as a Cross-Addiction

workdoping3Within the realm of recovery, there is often a pitfall know as cross-addictions. When in recovery, individuals need to fill the void of time and effort left by the cessation of a psychoactive substance. However, many individuals have the tendency to invest their focus and energy in another habit-forming pattern.

This may manifest in either working out to unhealthy degree, excessive shopping, compulsive gambling or substances deemed appropriate in the eyes of user. In accordance with excessive activities, work-doping presents a dangerous venue; especially with Eugeroic medications that appropriate since they are perceived to not be addictive.

For example, when faced with heavier workloads or stressful periods of time, an individual recovering from Amphetamines may mistake Eugeroic medications for a justifiable means of substituting for Amphetamines.
However, with the similar effects and chemical structure, the addictive tendencies may arise as a result of using these medications, drastically increasing the risk of relapsing. As an individual in recovery, one should always mind where his or her attention and effort is drawn to, or else fall victim to seemingly innocent lifestyle patterns.

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