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Our Philosophy

At Capitol Care, we believe in empowering individuals with developmental disabilities to own their treatment journey, identifying their goals and visions to maximize their potential.  The individual comes first at all times, and we find that effective services are built on respect, trust, and uniquely individualized care.

Core Beliefs

Capitol Care invests in outcomes for everyone we serve, collaborating with individuals and families to enhance community involvement and developing peer supports.  Our interdisciplinary teams help each person explore their concept of wellness to include physical, social, relational, and other culturally competent and meaningful goals.  Our core beliefs of individual choice, personal empowerment, inclusion, and adaptive supports drive every service we provide.

Our Locations

Main Home Page

Capitol Care, Inc.
New Jersey

Main Home Page

Capitol Care South

For all behavioral health needs, Capitol Care is the preferred provider.  Learn about our services and find your path to wellness.  There is no wrong door at Capitol Care; contact us today and let us begin your journey together.